Award winning Meta HPA (High Performance Alarm) Cat 1 Thatcham approved alarm and firm favourite with installers, journalists and motorists alike. Renowned for its ease of use, reliability and invincibility against car thiefs.
All HPA systems come with remote central door locking and remote control as standard. Remote window closure is also possible for vehicles fitted with comfort closure. In addition to these traditional features, the products can be customised by programming the operating mode into the microprocessor's memory based on the features of the vehicle and the owner's preferences.
Standard features in the range include boot, bonnet and door protection, engine immobilisation and a diagnostic flashing LED which acts as a deterrent. The systems are vibration and water resistant and come complete with ignition hotwire protection. A number of functions are programmable through the waterproof and shockproof remote controls as well as the system benefiting from an emergency override code that can be customised.
Meta HPA systems (High Performance Alarm) are full specification modular security systems bristling with innovative security and convenience features. Designed to meet the demanding requirements in the fight against sophisticated modern car thieves.
HPA systems comes with ultrasonics and battery backup siren. All HPA systems can be programmed to suit the specific features of the vehicle and owner preferences.